Monday, March 29, 2010
Journal 8
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Timeline Process

_ History of the Bathing Suit
_ History of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
_ History of Photography
_ Prehistoric Timeline
_ 100 years of Flight
_ timeline must have a range of dates
_ intro text
_ each point in time must have a date
_ and each point of time must have at least one sentance
_ images, icons, graphic elements are optional
How can you visualize the content? How can the audience get a quick understading about the topic? How are the pulled into the content to find out more?
Format: poster or accordian folded book
Size: You determine the final size, poster min. size is 13 x 19 tall or wide
Color: Unlimited color palette
Typography: 2 typefaces, 3 type styles, and no more than 4 sizes of type.
Grid: proportional or ratio modular grid
OVERVIEW: This project was pretty boring but it went well. Once again I learned that if you create a strong concept in the beginning its pretty easy to carry the idea out. I came up with the idea for my project when I did brainstorming with a group of people who were all designing flight timelines. I thought the radar would be an excellent way to show information with both image and text in an organized way. Although timelines can be tedious and boring they are important to provide vast amounts of information to the viewer.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thirty Conversations on Design
Little and Co asked 30 designers the same two questions... “What single example of design inspires you most?” and “What problem should design solve next?” Their answers might surprise you.
Greg Hoffman
What inspired him was the mission one motorcycle because it is an amazing innovation. It has little impact on the planet. It does that without sacrificing performance or aesthetics. Not only is the bike visually striking but it also is a great sustainability story.
When asked what problem should design solve next, his answers were very youth focused. I found this intruiging because designers tend not to focus on kids. He wants design to increase youth participation in sport and attack obesity in youth. He said this should be done by focusing on environmental design, equipment design, and communication design.
Sean Adams
Inspired by the Declaration of Independence, because it is put into words that the public can understand. The document is an excellent design of government that has held strong for hundreds of years.
He said the next problem to be solved is the next project you get. As a designer you should do a good job for each client you have so that the clients company does better and the client can keep their job.
Debbie Millman
The pencil is the most inspiring thing to her. She loves every aspect of the pencil especially color pencils.
The Large Hadron Collider along the border of Switzerland and France. Searching for the God Particle. Finding out how we got here and where we're going. I didn't really understand this part, but oh well.
Eddie Nunns
All the efforts going into inclusive design. Architects who are lending their time and talent into low-income housing. Designers who are designing products for every day life. Fashion designers who are designing for different levels. Designing should be available to everyone.
The world of ecology and sustainable energy. There are hybrid cars and solar energy. He said he was inspired by the beautiful white wind turbines in the wide open fields. Designing a better world.
Brian Deputy
The Eames lounge chair and ottoman released to the public in 1956. The design is innovative and transcends time. There is no setting or environment it doesn't enhance. Its got an element of magic because it can make a long day at work disappear.
Design doesn't solve problems, people do...ideas do. Its up to the designer to make the design work. One thing that design doesn't need to create is the perfect chair...because that has already been done.
I am inspired by a couple things but without fail I am always inspired by the technology Apple designs. Its beautiful and it works well. Also every two years I am inspired by the Olympics. I love watching the opening ceremonies. I also love seeing the athletes training pay off when they win.